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How can we obtain Rejection letter or letter Asking an equivalency certificate?

By on April 1st, 2024 in Uncategorized

To obtain a letter requesting an equivalency certificate, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to MMUP Website: Visit the MMUP (Ministry of Municipality and Environment – Engineering Registration Department) website and log in to your account using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to Engineering Admission Committee Section: Once logged in, find the Engineering Admission Committee section or a similar option related to equivalency certificate requests.
  3. Access Follow-Up Option: Within the Engineering Admission Committee section, locate the option for follow-up or status tracking of your application.
  4. Review Rejection Details: If your previous application was rejected, review the details provided on the rejection page. This may include explanations for the rejection and any specific requirements or documents needed for reapplication.
  5. Download Rejection or Request Letter: On the rejection page or follow-up section, you should have the option to download the rejection letter or the letter requesting an equivalency certificate. Choose the appropriate document based on your current status.
  6. Complete Necessary Actions: Follow any instructions provided in the letter, such as rectifying deficiencies in your application or submitting additional documents. Ensure that you fulfill all requirements for the equivalency certificate request.
  7. Submit Application: Once you have prepared the necessary documents and addressed any issues outlined in the rejection letter, submit your application for the equivalency certificate as per the provided instructions.
  8. Monitor Application Progress: Keep track of your application status through the MMUP website. Check for updates regularly to stay informed about any developments or further actions required.
  9. Receive and Use the Letter: Upon approval, you will receive the letter requesting the equivalency certificate. This document can then be utilized for further proceedings related to your educational or professional pursuits.

By following these steps and utilizing the resources available on the MMUP website, you can effectively obtain a letter requesting an equivalency certificate.

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